The Russian Guide to Legal Citation 2021

Автор: Арбитражная Ассоциация
Год: 2021
Издательство: Арбитражная Ассоциация
Количество страниц: 19

The Russian Guide to Legal Citation 2021 (RGLC 2021) is a style guide for Russian legal acronyms and citations that are widely used in foreign arbitral and court proceedings and the English language publications. It was developed under the auspices of the Russian Arbitration Association to assist lawyers, scholars, judges, law students, paralegals, and others to uniformly reference Russian laws, codes, cases, names of courts and other state bodies. 

The RGLC 2021 is not intended to be an exhaustive catalogue of Russian legal terms. Quite in the opposite, it was prepared as a guide to enable the users to create tailor made legal acronyms and citations according to the unified standards. To illustrate the methodology, the RGLC 2021 provides with a list of the most widely used legal terms and acronyms. For the rest, the users can apply formulas and autonomously create citations and acronyms they may need. 

The Russian Guide to Legal Citation 2021